The Winter Event!


Hello Everymice!

The moment you’ve been all waiting for has finally arrived… Yes, it’s the Winter Event! The opportunity for all mice to feast, to collect and to make presents.


This year is placed under the sign of generosity. I hope that your bag is empty and that your back is ready to carry heavy loads because we are gonna sink you under a mountain of gifts! By the way… Someone told me that a malicious imp mixed all of your treats! In order to find all the gifts, you will have to collect all the presents, and to trade them to Baba bot in village.

Watch Out! You are in a darknight house but there a sprite in all gifts try to found it!

Speaking of gifts… We have a surprise that will happen during the Winter Event and will stay afterwards!

Happy holidays and have fun!

Reward Time


We all know how tough a mouse life can be: spending a lot of time and energy gathering cheese, competing in crazy races and even surviving to cannon balls… What a life!
This event will be all about relaxing and showing appreciation to other mice for their hard work: It’s gift time at work

After a long and hard working day, close your eyes… And let the dream begin!

Have a mice day, folks!


Official SuperMice Facebook Page


After some situations, we realized that our transformice game has a fake Facebook page. (Originally this Facebook page belonged to our ex-admin.) However, don’t believe anything they say. That Facebook page might want to steal your account. Don’t share your password with anyone.


Official SuperMice Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/miceraid/


Türkçe »

Son yaşanan olaylardan sonra fark ettik ki, transformice oyunumuzun sahte bir Facebook sayfası açılmış. (Aslında bu sayfa eski yönetici Tufan tarafından yönetiliyor.) Her neyse. Bu sayfada yazan hiçbir şeye inanmayınız. O sayfayı yöneten kişi, SuperMice hesabınızı çalmak istiyor olabilir. Şifrenizi asla paylaşmayın.

SuperMice Resmi Facebook Sayfamız: https://www.facebook.com/miceraid/

SuperMice Forums


Hey folks!
As we were said, our newest HTML FORUM IS OVER HERE! From now on, you can have a talk with your friends!


The official SuperMice Discord server has arrived!


SuperMice Community Server

As you know, it’s been announced many times that we’ve made a Discord server to strengthen the communication amongst our community, however, it is not being used as much as it deserves to. We should light it up!

Today, we all welcome you on our official public Discord channel: a place where you can communicate with players and staff from your community!
Join now!

(Please remind that English is the only language of the #chat channel.)



As promised few months ago, we are now opening the module system to your tribehouses! If you are a developer, it’s time to create brand-new minigames for your fellow tribe members!

Use the command /lua to open the LUA interface and start coding. You can find all the necessary documentation in this thread: Click

The feature is available to every players who gathered more than 1,000 cheese. You will also need the right to use the command /np into your tribehouses.
We can’t wait to see your future modules.

Türkçe »

Birkaç ay önce söz verdiğimiz gibi, modül sistemini kabilelerinize açıyoruz! Eğer bir geliştiriciyseniz, kabile üyelerine yeni minioyunlar yaratma zamanı!


Lua arayüzünü açmak için /lua komutunu kullan ve kodlamaya başla. Gerekli dökümanları bu konudan bulabilirsin: Tıkla (İngilizce)

Bu özellik 1.000 veya daha fazla peyniri olan kişiler için açıktır. Ayrıca bu özelliği kullanabilmek için kabile evinde /np komutunu kullanabilme iznin olmalı.


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