End of Adobe Flash Player


As you know Adobe Flash will no longer be supported by most of the browsers by the end of 2020 but we’ve found a way to solve that problem. All you have to do is download a new browser. Details: https://forum.miceraid.net/topic?f=5&t=4741

Polish »

Jak wiesz, Adobe Flash nie będzie już istniał 20 grudnia 2020 r., Ale znaleźliśmy sposób na rozwiązanie tego problemu. Wystarczy pobrać dane nowej przeglądarki: https://forum.miceraid.net/topic?f=5&t=4741

Spanish »

Como todos saben Adobe Flash ya no existirá el 20 de diciembre de 2020, pero encontramos una solución a este problema. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es descargar este nuevo navegador, para más detalles ingresa aquí: https://forum.miceraid.net/topic?f=5&t=4741

Türkçe »

Bildiğiniz gibi Adobe Flash 2020’den sonra çoğu tarayıcı tarafından desteklenmeyecek ama bu sorunu çözmek için bir yol bulduk. Tek yapmanız gereken yeni bir tarayıcı indirmek. Ayrıntılar: https://forum.miceraid.net/topic?f=5&t=4741

Update: Adobe Flash’s latest version blocks any Flash content from running. Please uninstall latest version from your computer and install
[Windows] https://www.mediafire.com/file/3trqlquqskgzxnx/flashplayer28_0r0_161_winpep.msi/file
[Mac] https://www.mediafire.com/file/8wquua17pdike2y/flashplayer28_0r0_161_macpep_pkg.dmg/file
[Linux] https://www.mediafire.com/file/v6kahdvr9cv7xjr/flashplayer28_0r0_161_linuxpep.x86_64.tar.gz/file.